BPDfamily.com Online Bullying and Lying

Well, wonders never cease. Nothing quite like dealing with a narcissist like Skip. It’s not a mystery that the psychology profession seem to have a higher than normal representation of narcs in their midst. Of course, this special post is dedicated to R. Skip Johnson in appreciation for his attempt to publicly shame me, using my name blatantly on BPFamily.com. Unfortunately for Skip, his antics and those of others have been reported to the FBI already. At this point, his attempt to white wash his maneuver is precisely that.

Skip’s ‘smear’ and absolute ignorance of making my name public on his “site” where he is well aware of the BPDs and NPDs that go around harassing the families is truly despicable behavior. How old are you Skip? Mentally I am referring to, as emotionally you are operating like a baby. Grow up. This garbage behavior is precisely why I had No interest in ‘participating’ with the ignorance on psychforums or the blatant idiocy on sociopath-community.com. Which in both cases is a joke, as they are nothing but BPDs acting out their dingbat anger issues over nothing for attention.

Skip, you are a delight. Really. Typical of your effort to misrepresent myself in this pathetic effort attempt to cover up for you nasty actions and duplicity. Stone walling and lying is all you can do, as you and your credit card antics along with information sharing across multiple forums has already been sent to the FBI.

Now, I will be breaking apart the Narcissitic smear that Skip is painting:

The individual, Natasha Tomicic, participated earnestly as a member of BPDFamily from 2008 – 2015 seeking help to deal with marital difficulties, alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and anger management. She was a bit of a disruptive member back then, but she was working in earnest and we supported her and she was openly appreciative of that support. She has not be respectful of the community rule, however, and has opened 70 accounts despite our requested that she just work from one membership.

Alcohol abuse? You are insane Skip. My exHusband was/ is an alcoholic. Not I. The violence, was his against myself, and you bet your backside, I defend myself. Each and every time. Anger? Seriously ? There would have to be something very wrong with a person to NOT be angry when they are being abused. You do know that, right? It’s a really good thing my REAL LIFE therapist was very well aware of that Fact. He was both a professor of sociology and had a PhD in cult abuse. He had a clue, you, not so much.

Natasha has self-identified as being on the sociopath spectrum. She divorced in the 2014-15 time frame and participated on a number of messageboards communities for people on the sociopath spectrum. At those sites she developed relationships beyond the scope of just messagboard participation that ended in interpersonal disputes and escalated to mean spirited Internet fights that spanned a number of Internet communities (google Natasha Tomicic Memes ) and included off-Internet fighting.

You are funny Skippy. You call yourself a “non” which is a total joke, as many others have stated you are a narc. Now tell me how your moderators had my name? I did not tell anyone on BPDfamily. It seems you are still trying to lie your way out of answering that pertinent question, as it paints you in collusion with a particular group, doesn’t it? “All those sites” really? Which “all” are you talking about? You might want to get the Facts straight. There are even memes? Guess “We” know who is behind that, don’t you? Very special of you, Skip. You are merely proving even more so how deep your involvement is with sociopathcommunity.com as well as the currently defunct ASPD forum at psychforums.com. You know why it got shut down? Because I collected the information of the main players and the garbage that they do to people online. They thought it was “funny.” But they stopped laughing and yukking it up real fast. Very rude of them. You as an “adult” should have more common sense than that. But you clearly don’t.

None of this happened at BPDFamily or with BPDFamily members, but somehow a small bit if the infighting spilled over to include our site. Most of her posts have vulgar and personal insults of the members here and on other sites.

Another LIE! There should be No spilling over to BPDfamily, should there? Explain how that works for the nice people reading your lie. You see, the “spill over” is within your moderators, who are BPD or otherwise disordered and sharing information, catfishing and what not online at BPDfamily and at psychforums. Correct? Do you know who spilled those beans? Insults? Are you losing your mind? Let’s see this series of “insults” and then take a look at the context, can you do that?

Not knowing the backstory, we allowed Natasha to be heard (let her antagonistic posts stand for a week) and we offered her a path to being a regular member. Natasha was clear that she was not interested in participating as a regular member.

What on earth are talking about? Screen caps of your concept of antagonistic posts. You deny common psychological phenomenon and then try to spin it as something else. No, I am not interested in your agenda. Really not.

We then consolidated and relocated her antagonistic posts where they could be read, but were not hurtful or disruptive to members. When the attacks continued, and we became aware of the backstory, we started removing the disruptive posts and tracking and closing her many “alias” memberships. Eventually we started banning the servers she was posting from and used other electronic measures to limit the interruptions.

Skip, no you didn’t. I have it screen capped here on this site. You are lying. The “aliases” are merely to warn people of your scam. As it seems your “banning” methods are quite bizarre and many others have stated the same. https://defyingptsd.wordpress.com/2012/10/16/ive-been-banned-from-bpdfamily-com/

It is unfortunate that this type of fighting happens on the Internet and its hard to tell who is the persecutor and who is the victim. Our sympathies go out to all involved.

Skip, you continue to lie to cover your back side. You have yet to respond with how my name was bandied about on a forum I had not participated on in any manner for years, by ‘moderators’ I don’t know from a hole in the ground. I emailed you directly requesting you to explain that to me, and what did you do? Same as when you were informed that the singular time I used my credit card was to donate to BPDfamily, and then it was hacked straight into my bank account?! You know the type of information that is required to hack that deep into a bank? Yes, you do. And I know from whom you got that information as well. Your freak show requires further exposition which will be my pleasure at a later date.

As long as we leave our front doors open for the wounded and hurting, people like this have a way in. We do our best to minimize it without getting emotionally engaged.

That is dirty of you Skip. BPD relationships are not the fake show you are putting on at BPDfamily. What you are doing is a complete fraud. Your sick information gathering via Facebook and your “moderators” that go around harassing people online is warped. And they send you donations? You are a parasite.

If anyone has a specific question, please PM us and we’ll get you an answer.  We will share that BPDFamily was started by a faith charity and this support group has significant professional oversight above the level of the active moderators. Part of that oversight is from benefactors. Part of it is from independent external oversight from a watchdog group associated with the UN. Part is from clinical  consultants. We have been under their umbrella for over a decade. It’s an integral part of our culture.

Skip, you came over from TheShack, and TheNook….how many years were you going on and on about multiple women? Seriously. You have issues. And as far as Faith and charity group? Which ones? “Over sight” by whom? Someone who doesn’t exist? “Benefactors?” You are joking right? As for the UN, would that joke of a group be your sock puppet pals from Sociopath-community.com with the pedophiles and borderlines who were “Role playing” with underage kids ? That UN observer? Be specific Skippy. That site , went down as well. Do you wonder why?

Yeah, the integral part of your “culture” is a complete fraud and scam. Pretty obvious to anyone who was there years ago, versus the garbage it is now. Asking You, for “answers” is hilarious. You can send them to my lovely wordpress site and let them decide for themselves. But you can’t/won’t / don’t dare. Because You are lying and I am not.

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